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Certificate of Fashion Design -Level-A (CFD-Level-A)

The programs of chartered Fashion Design provides comprehensive curriculum to meet the new demands in the fashion industry. In terms of basic design, students can explore all the possibilities of creative activities. In addition to improve the sense of esthetic and the skill of presentation, they also learn from design concept to materialize the school assignment. In the core study of fashion design, apart from design creation, we have courses for fashion business and production. Students will understand the process of fashion industry and fashion marketing. If you currently don't have a bachelor's degree of fashion design, then you can enroll in an online degree program. With the successful completion of this program, you can expect to be rewarded a Certificate of Fashion Design and enter a world of fascinating and emerging the fashion design and can have a direct impact on many field of the fashion industries.
Complete the following courses and the examination with approval scores will be awarded the following certificate:

Certificate of Fashion Design -Level-A (CFD-Level-A)


  • Bachelor's Degree in fashion design
  • More one year experiences in the fashion design related field
  • Degree from an accredited college or completed an accredited college degree in fashion design Studies
  • A formal fashion design Studies qualification
  • Able to join a 15-hour advance training courses every year after obtain the certificate


  • Course Fee USD1, 000, after receive the certificate approval, membership fee (USD100) and license fee (USD500) shall be charged.

Courses (Total 42 hours)

  • Design Fundamental
  • Fabrics Dying & Testing
  • Fashion Design
  • Apparel Industry
  • Fashion Collection Design
  • Fashion Illustration
  • Pattern Drafting & Construction

Enterprise and Environment


To email INFOIATOPL@IATOPL.ORG a detail of your credentials, degrees, experience or qualifications: so that we can make a review and determination.



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