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Pet Groomer Certificate (PGC)

Certification is the standardized method to obtain professional recognition for those pet groomers whose knowledge, techniques, abilities and skills have been tested and thereby certified as having met the high standards. Certification can only help our profession. Individuals wishing to certify must display exceptional knowledge and skill in both the written and practical skills testing procedure. Only then will you earn the prestigious title of "National Certified Pet Groomer".

A grooming business can either be mobile or stationary; in the case of mobile businesses the professional groomers take their services to your home or your work place. Dog grooming experience and learning how to start a pet grooming Business is something that can be gained through apprenticeship; therefore, anyone looking into it should be ready to spend at least one year getting plenty of experience from a well respected pet groomer. Dog grooming is grueling work that requires of adequate professional training and a dedication to pets; it also helps if you truly like dogs and running a pet grooming business involves a lot more as well.

There are different courses that can be taken that will give out Pet Grooming Certifications to people interested in pet grooming. The lessons that are taught to be people interested in getting Pet Grooming Certifications include grooming history, behavior and controls lessons, health conditions, common problems in dogs, skin disorders such as parasites, fleas and ticks, specifics on parasites like fleas, ticks, flea cycle, grooming process, bathing process, brushing, combing, drying, hair cutting, learning about grooming supplies, communicating with other groomers, convenient grooming schedules, issues that should be turned over to a veterinarian, dog grooming questions and answers and more. There are also Pet Grooming Certifications of outstanding achievement completion. One important thing to know about Pet Grooming Certifications is that this does not mean that a person automatically qualifies as a professional pet groomer. Becoming a professional pet groomer requires a lot more time and experience on the matter.

To emai INFOIATOPL@IATOPL.ORG a detail of your credentials, degrees, experience or qualifications: so that we can make a review and determination.


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