CISA is globally recognized as the mark of excellence for the IS audit professional. CISA combines the achievement of passing a comprehensive exam with recognition of work and educational experience, providing you with credibility in the marketplace. Recent independent studies consistently rank CISA as one of the highest paying and sought after IT certifications.
The CISA designation was created for professionals with work experience in information systems auditing, control or security that include:
Information Systems (IS) audit process
IT Governance
Systems and Infrastructure Lifecycle Management
IT Service Delivery and Support
Protection of Information Assets
Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery
Complete one of our approved certification training courses
Business degree from an accredited college or completed an accredited college degree in System Audit, System Audit management, industrial relations, System Audit contract administration, or who have a CFA, JD, MBA, Ph.D. or have masters or other relevant degree.
3 or more years of System Audit or business intelligence experience.
a formal System Audit qualification
International diploma in System Audi