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Certified Internal Auditors (CIA)

The Certified Internal Auditor designation is globally accepted certification for internal auditors and remains the standard by which individuals demonstrate their competency and professionalism in the internal auditing field. Candidates enriched with educational experience, information, and business that can be applied immediately in any organization or business environment Internal auditing is an independent appraisal function established within an organization to examine and evaluate the adequacy and effectiveness of the organization's internal control system and its overall quality of performance. Internal auditing furnishes top management with analyses, appraisals, recommendations, counsel, and information concerning the activities reviewed.

We believe that an organization is best served by a fully resourced and professionally competent internal auditing staff that provides value-added services that are critical to the efficient and effective management of an organization. And, according to the National Commission on Fraudulent Financial Reporting (Treadway Commission), every public corporation should have an internal audit function.

A certified internal auditor is an individual who has met the requirements for certification as established by the institution. Requirements relate to education, experience, and successful completion of an examination. Achieving the credential as a certified internal auditor is tangible evidence of meeting professional qualifications established by the institution.

To email INFOIATOPL@IATOPL.ORG a detail of your credentials, degrees, experience or qualifications: so that we can make a review and determination.


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