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Certificate of Market Analyst (CMA)

Market Analyst looks to equip the modern marketer with all the tools and knowledge needed to provide a robust database of information to help predict trends, customer needs, competitor strategies and keep the company one step ahead of its competition.

Certificate of Market Analyst suitable for all those with direct responsibility for the data collection and those who make decisions based on that information. Any job role which has responsibility for collecting or interpreting data for:

Identify the most appropriate type of research needed for a given situation.

Understand the difference between quantitative and qualitative research techniques.

The CMA, Certificate of Market Analyst is a designation and honor for those who meet one of these requirements:

Complete one of our approved certification training courses

Business degree from an accredited college or completed an accredited college degree in Market Analyst, Market Analyst contract administration, or who have a CFA, JD, MBA, Ph.D. or have masters or other relevant degree.

3 or more years of Market Analyst or business intelligence experience.

a formal Market Analyst qualification

International diploma in Market Analyst


To email INFOIATOPL@IATOPL.ORG a detail of your credentials, degrees, experience or qualifications: so that we can make a review and determination.

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