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Certificate of Asset Manager (CAM)

The asset management industry is evolving at a deceptively fast pace. Every day, asset managers face new and different challenges. To achieve their potential, asset managers need to manage growth, mitigate risk and embrace regulatory scrutiny, in a clear-sighted and decisive way - we help our clients do this.

Certificate of Asset Manager Courses provides you with the foundation knowledge and understanding to seek employment as a professional Asset Manager. You will be qualified to work in sectors such as property maintenance, infrastructure development, facilities planning, corporate real estate, local council works or tourism and hospitality. You are introduced to industry standard software and contemporary research findings. There are strong employment prospects for qualified asset managers worldwide, and potential salaries are high.

The CAM, Certificate of Asset Manager is a designation and honor for those who meet one of these requirements:

Complete one of our approved certification training courses

Business degree from an accredited college or completed an accredited college degree in Asset Management, Asset Manager contract administration, or who have a CFA, JD, MBA, Ph.D. or have masters or other relevant degree.

3 or more years of Asset Management or business intelligence experience.

a formal Asset Manager qualification

International diploma in Asset Management

To email INFOIATOPL@IATOPL.ORG a detail of your credentials, degrees, experience or qualifications: so that we can make a review and determination.

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