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Certificate of Risk Analyst (CRA)

The Risk Analysis Certificate offers a course of study on risk - in human and financial terms - a field of increasing importance throughout industry: aerospace, automotive, construction, computer technologies, health care, security, energy, manufacturing and more. The Risk Analysis certificate program is designed to provide a foundation in the techniques of analysis of engineering systems for risk management decisions involving trade-offs - human, economic, technical, and environmental.

The CRA, Certificate of Risk Analyst is a designation and honor for those who meet one of these requirements:

Complete one of our approved certification training courses  

Business degree from an accredited college or completed an accredited college degree in Risk Analyst, Risk Analyst management, human resource, industrial relations, Risk Analyst contract administration, or who have a CFA, JD, MBA, Ph.D. or have masters or other relevant degree.

3 or more years of Risk Analyst or business intelligence experience.

a formal Risk Analyst qualification

International diploma in Risk Analyst

To email INFOIATOPL@IATOPL.ORG a detail of your credentials, degrees, experience or qualifications: so that we can make a review and determination.

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